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> Jing Xianwen, the post doctor of Tokyo University visited National Key Laboratory on Disastrous Weather and gave academic report

         On June 13, 2019, Jing Xianwen, the post doctor of Tokyo University of Japan visited National Key Laboratory on Disastrous Weather on invitation and gave an academic report with the topic of “The critical effect of warm cloud precipitation in the simulation of indirect effects of aerosol. The report was hosted by Zhang Hua, the researcher and the scholars and postgraduates from China Academy of Meteorological Science, National Climate Center and Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology presented this report.

        Doctor Jing Xianwen obtained the doctor degree in China Academy of Meteorological Science and he researched the mutual effect of cloud-radiation in National Climate Center; he went to Tokyo University for the research of the procedure of warm cloud precipitation and indirect effect of aerosol in 2016. This report mainly introduced his work in Japan in two aspects:

        1) The evaluation of the satellite observation-based and procedural-scale warm cloud precipitation procedure: by the comparison among multi modes and satellite observation it was discovered that, the climate mode will generally overestimate the frequency of precipitation, the main reason is that the generation procedure of precipitation in the mode hasn’t really matched the microphysical features of clouds (the size of cloud droplet and the content of cloud water, and the precipitation has generated when the microphysical features of cloud are not mature yet.

        2) The effect of the parameterization of warm cloud precipitation to the simulation of the indirect effects of aerosol: the precipitation is the critical factor of life cycle effect which affect the indirect effect of aerosol; by introducing multi warm cloud precipitation plans in one climate mode, the effects of different plans to the indirect effect of aerosol have been compared. The results have shown that, the different plans have different sensitivities to the turbulence of aerosol, and this has decided the intensity of the indirect effects of aerosol simulated by various plans; however, if the precipitation plan is nearer to the satellite observation in terms of procedural scale, the indirect effect of aerosol is more deviated from the estimation range of IPCC ARS, it indicates that there might be the systematical deviation in the other factors affecting the energy balance besides the precipitation procedure.

        After the report is completed, Doctor Jing Xianwen made warm interaction and discussion with the attending scholars and postgraduate on the mutual effect of aerosol-cloud and how to increase the simulating capability of the mode.

                                                                                             State key laboratory of severe weather(LASW)